The Puppini Sisters (Artist) | Format: Audio CD
As Stephanie notes, the Puppini Sisters' take on life is that "whenever we have a strong idea, we go for it" - this has extended to all parts of their fabulous career to date and has led to an album that not only spectacularly evokes a bygone era but also distils the Puppini ethos perfectly. Marcella adds "from the time we first started rehearsing in my kitchen to this day, we have always been guided by a desire to make music that makes us happy. That's our biggest appeal." Kate agrees as well, "We make music to make you smile and tap your feet. That's what this genre was always about and that's why we have so much fun making it our own."
The Puppini Sisters are the living embodiment of 1940s glamour, and Hollywood will take the listener right back to a more alluring time, where stars were stars and dreams are lived.
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